

If you aren't loving these amazing covers to the latest Countdown Specials and 80-Page Giants by Ryan Sook you clearly have something wrong with you.

Pictured here are the covers to the Specials focused on Kamandi and Omac; others include the Atom, the New Gods, and shipping this week, Eclipso.

If DC marketing has any say in publishing plans, this should be the next Artist Series Portfolio collection that DC Direct issues.

As a bonus, the contents are pretty impressive. For speculators, I predict these books were under-ordered and sold out quick. Get'em while you still can.

Added Bonus #2 - DC issued a few variant covers featuring similar Ryan Sook art for Batman and the Outsiders #1, Green Arrow/Black Canary #1, and Death of the New Gods #1 - even more rare, and well worth the price of admission!

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